Year 2S - Miss Stevens Class News

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Under the sea

30 Apr 2017

We have started our topic about the seaside and created this great board in class. Well done for all those super efforts with homework and also in class.

​This week we have  tried some SATS test papers to see how we will get on when we complete the actual ones later this term. Some very impressive results in the arithmetic paper and comprehension. We will be completing some more particularly the booklets for comprehension as this is quite an advanced skill. I have been very impressed with how the children have not only performed, but also their mature attitude towards them. Well done year 2.

​Please ensure that your child reads daily and ask questions about their books. The sheets at the back of the reading logs should be helpful for this. If your child has to go to the dentist or doctor, please try to arrange after school or late in the afternoon so that they do not miss important revision work.

​I am trying to arrange a school trip later this term and also a class assembly. Dates to follow.

​Final note; The BRICs session on 9th June will now be 26th May.

​Enjoy the bank holiday.

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