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I wandered lonely as a cloud.

18 Mar 2017

This week was a poetry week in literacy. We tried writing different types of poems with our favourite a nonsense poem based on a Dr Seuss book.
Slide Show 

 Then we looked at the famous Wordsworth poem and performed it to an audience. Mrs Agate and myself judged them. I have to say Mrs A was definitely more like Simon Cowell than me! On Friday we tried writing our own version of one of my favourite poems-The snake by DH Lawrence. I have been so impressed with the children's enthusiasm for this work all week, and their excellent choice of vocabulary.
BRICS this week was to celebrate St Patrick's day and some children decided to try Irish dancing to some traditional music.
​In topic work we found out about wash day in Victorian times without a washing machine! I'm sure all parents are glad they no longer have to scrub the washing in a tub with soap, after having heated the water over the fire.
​In RE we have started to find out about the Easter story beginning with Palm Sunday.

I hope Parent's evening was helpful and I know the children were really keen to show you their work.

​Don't forget our school trip on Thursday so all children need a packed lunch.
Friday is red nose day so bring in any cakes for a cake sale.
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