Year 2S - Miss Stevens Class News

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Hello Year 2!

13 May 2019

Hello Year 2! It's great to be back at Brady and I feel super lucky to have come back to such a lovely class. Now in our third week, I feel as though I have got to know all of the children and I have to say just how hard they have been working in all areas of the curriculum.

In just under 3 weeks we have covered a LOT! This week, in maths we are focussing on time, properties of shapes and weight. The children have been working very hard to concentrate and apply the concepts that are being taught across all of our maths lessons.

In our Literacy work, we are focussing on Narrative for this and last week. We have put loads of effort in to planning our story. To do this, we have been using inverted commas, adjectives, fronted adverbials, conjunctions and lots of other funky vocabulary. Soon, we will write up our Narrative and so far they sound amazing.

Our Literacy work ties in closely with our topic this term which is "Muck, Mess & Mixtures". We have been reading "George's Marvellous Medicine" and we're loving it! Lots of learning and writing opportunities have arisen from this. 

We have our maths arithmetic and reasoning SATs papers this Friday, followed by the rest of our SATs next week. We have been talking about them in class and I am sure the children will do their absolute best. 

Below, enjoy some images taken of the children whilst we were experimenting which products and materials would create the biggest/ smallest/ foamiest/ longest lasting bubbles. 

Mrs. Degun :)






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