Year 5S - Miss Smith Class News

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Year Five: Week Nine

15 Nov 2019

This week in Year Five we have begun our latest Maths topic focusing on multiplication and division. So far we have looked at what multiples, factors and common factors are. Our homework this week is based on common factors. 

In our English lessons we planned our 'Hot Write' moon myths, completed a shared writing activity and have begun to write our moon myths up in detail.

For Children In Need day, we became the teacher! We were given lots of information about Children In Need and had to compose questions for a partner to complete. Being the teacher is harder than it looks!

Please keep in mind that the children have a non-pupil day on Tuesday 19th of November. During this time the staff will be refreshing their safeguarding training so that we can continue to keep the children of Brady Primary safe while on or off the premises. 

Soon we will be preparing for our Shared Learning and Class Assembly. Dates for these can be found on the school website. It would be lovely to have as many parents, carers and family join us for these events as possible. 

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